Jody Wirawan Interactive Biography

Hi All,

I'd like to announce a new addition to Jody's Memorial that's been posted for his birthday this year :). It's an interactive map of Jody's life that includes point by point descriptions of events as well as videos, pictures, and other misc types of media. This is a very exciting inclusion to the Memorial because it's the most complete biography for Jody ever compiled.

There's a wide spectrum of people looking to find out more details about Jody's life right now, ranging from those who've only seen his name on a list to those who knew him personally. I think this will be a great tool for people interested in him and will also provide a good base for those wanting to look deeper into the elements of his life. Also, this can be continuously added to so that it becomes even more informative as time goes on.

The best part is that it's something that Jody would have really liked. He loved to travel and was very proud of all the places he'd been...something this biography is able to showcase very well. Anyway words just don't do this justice so check it out for yourself at:

Happy Birthday Jody!!


Expanded Interactive Biography

Hi All,

I know that some of you are stopping by this blog today to see what's being posted on Jody's Memorial for his birthday. We are working on something very different and interactive that will hopefully be finished by the end of today.

I'm extremely excited about this and I think it will be both informative and something that Jody would have really loved. Stay tuned, I'll post a new blog with a link to it as soon as it's ready.



Blog Adjustments

Making some adjustments to this blog to reflect it's changing function. This started out as the sole memorial site for Jody but now that's being taken care of over at

Since this blog is now serving mainly in an update notification capacity I'm stripping the layout down to the basics to make it easier to focus on the info. This is an ongoing project for the next week so things might look a little off from time to time. Please excuse the mess :)
